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If you want to be an actor, you are going to have to audition. So what does it take to get into acting and start auditioning for paying roles?
There are lots of things you can be doing that will hep move your career forward at various stages, but there are a few basics you will absolutely need to begin today.
How Do I Get an Acting Audition
Auditions are crucial to booking acting work so naturally you want to get good at this fast. But what do you need to do and to have in place just to get that audition?
Here are the top 7 steps to start auditioning for acting roles and booking paying jobs.
What Do I Need to Start Getting Acting Auditions and Booking Jobs
Learn How To Act
This may seem pretty basic, but you’d be surprised how many people want to skip this step. Actors are also called “artists”, and you don’t become an artist just because you decide to do it one day. It takes time and patience, as well as practice and honing your craft. At the very least get some private coaching or jump into at least an entry level acting class.
Get Your First Headshot and Resume
When you start out looking for acting auditions, at the very least you are going to need a headshot, and and acting résumé. Your first headshot and resume will be very basic, but they are essential so casting directors, directors and producers can see who you are, what you look like and what your skills are – even if you have no experience. Think of it kind of like an online dating profile except for acting.
See Related Articles:
- How To Find The Best Acting Class for You
- What is an Actor’s Headshot and Why Do You Need One?
- FREE Actor Resume Template
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Sign Up for Online Casting Sites
There are a lot of online casting and audition sites out there, and really just a few big ones used by professional working actors, but you have to start somewhere. Getting your profile online and starting to submit for auditions is really the only way you’re going to find out how this works. To help you out with this I’ve put together a really detailed list of 16 Audition Sites Every Actor Needs to Know About with the pros and cons of each site. Going through these is an essential starting point!
Start Submitting for Non-Paying Acting Roles
Submitting for non-paying work will help you get use to the submission process before you have a paying job and your reputation on the line. These jobs are also an excellent way to gain valuable on-set experience and snag a few credits and maybe even some demo footage.
Get Some Acting Credits and Build Your Resume
Everyone has to start somewhere, and everyone who is a professional working actor today started with their first acting job…. And no experience.
The best way to get acting experience when you are just starting out is through school productions. This might be do drama club productions at your own school, or volunteering to acting in student films at the university, college and conservatory level. Student films can sometimes get you IMDB credits as well and even some valuable performance video.
Take an Audition Technique Classes
Yes, you need to learn how to act, but auditioning is really a different skillset. Auditions are such an artificial environment; they are acting combined with a technical on-camera skills plus a job interview. Since your career depends on them, it pays to get good at it.
Put Together an Acting Reel or Demo Footage
Video or “reels” can really go a long way in showcasing your acting abilities and there are a lot of ways to create this if you haven’t yet had a paying job. One way is to do student films, but you can also record yourself doing scenes or monologues and post them online. As your career grows take down your old acting footage and replace it with fresh content.
Your first few auditions definitely won’t be the best auditions of your career so cut yourself some slack. Absolutely try your best, but know that mistakes happen and sometimes done is just better than perfect!
Until next time, keep reaching for the stars and following your dreams! xo Hunter
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* Please Note: I am not an agent, manager, or casting director. I do not procure work for actors. All information, workshops and coaching are for educational purposes only and are not a guarantee or promise of employment. Thank you for being here!