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16 Best Facebook Groups for Actors to Connect, Meet Reps and Find Work

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Update: July 2022 – this list is shrinking

I have actually booked work directly off of Facebook. It came from having a carefully crafted profile and building real, genuine connections with people. That is still valuable, but I’m finding the groups are a whole other story…..

When I first wrote this post in early 2020, Facebook groups were fading a bit but still going strong. Since then though, a LOT has changed. Due to Facebook’s recent political activities, entertainment industry professionals seem to be leaving the platform in droves – many swearing not to go back.

Now the Facebook groups seem to be all “agents and managers” and a whole lot of acting coaches…. and every one of them selling an expensive course or coaching. This is not so much of a meet, connect and support as a buy and sell marketplace.

There is one huge FB group in particular with almost 100k member and about a hundred admins. They claim to help actors and answer questions, but every admin gives a general answer and tells you that you need to buy from them.

From the Group Admin: “This is an international page to help actors and other people in the entertainment industry give each other FREE HELP. This group is  pro-union and anti-pay-to-play.” Yet it’s completely pay-to-play. I’m not thrilled.

I would not longer recommend Facebook as a way to connect with agents, managers or casting directors. I have found very few legit ones still using the platform. It is however a great way to connect with fellow actors, swap war stories, share cool finds and get “this is my story” advice.

This list will probably shrink continue to shrink over the next year or so as Facebook groups dwindle or just become flat out seller’s venues. I’ll keep my eyes open and share what I find.

The groups are listed below in no particular order.

Rehearsal & Self-Tape Partners For Actors

Just like it sounds, this is the place to find a self tape or rehearsal parter…. Something that we are all going to need much more of moving forward! Post on there if you are available or if you need someone to rehearse with. The group currently has 7k members so you have a pretty good shot of finding someone,  but also be sure to be equally generous with your time 🙂

From the Group Admin: “A group dedicated to helping actors find rehearsal & self-tape partners anywhere in the world! Whether you use the Actor Trade app to find instant rehearsal & SELF TAPE partners or meet in person, this is a place for actors to help each other out!”

Want a self-tape partner on demand? …. 24/7…? Try WeAudition.com with 25% off on us!

Find a self-tape audition partner. Meet other actors and make money auditioning with WeAudition discount code at MyActorGuide.com

Casting Directors for Actors and Actresses

Started by veteran casting director Billy DaMota, this group was intended as an alternative way for actors to connect with casting directors other than pay to play. While it’s a large group with 40k members, I don’t find much activity from casting directors here. It’s mostly about actors posting about projects they’ve got going on as well as casting notices for indie projects. Still, a great place to connect with other people in the industry!

From the Group Admin: “Casting Directors for Actors and Actresses is a private group dedicated to assisting actors who want to move forward in their careers by directing them toward legitimate goods and services, and away from the scam artists and money grubbers. Another goal is to get filmmakers together with actors, taking the exchange of cash out of the equation. If you’re a casting director/associate/assistant, a talent agent, manager, producer or director – and especially if you’re an actor, we hope you’ll join us in making this group a tool that will lift us all up in an honest, ethical and professional way.”

The Original Actors Helping Actors

Just like the name suggests, this is a group for actors to connect with other actors and offer advice and support. Similar to TMFA, this group has theme days – Social Media Wednesday, where you post links to you account and follow other actors, and Demo Reel Thursday where you can post your reel or clips and get feedback. With more than 16k members the group is very active and a great place to connect.

From the Group Admin:  “Welcome to Actors Helping Actors, the Facebook group where actors support, encourage and inspire each other every single day!!! We also have some talent reps, casting directors and other industry professionals as members, which is an added bonus!

In this group, you can share your successes, voice your opinion, share ideas, share knowledge, encourage each other and ask questions EVERY day. We all need support from each other. You can get thoughts on headshots, monologues, reels or whatever you like.”

Actors and Casting Directors Unite for FREE 

Run by Los Angeles Casting Director Dea Vise, this group currently has 12k members. Yea is a legitimate casting director, but the group has gotten to be mostly ads for acting classes with a few actors asking for advice here and there. It’s a very active and dynamic place to connect with other actors, get some advice and maybe even score an audition or two or find an acting class.

From the Group Admin: “This is an international page to help actors and other people in the entertainment industry give each other FREE HELP. Of course, you are welcome to advertise your classes and professional services here; but if you just come in and post ads and never offer advice for free, you may find the ads go “poof” and you may never know. So, please, hang around and help out, too!”

Your profile matters! If you want Facebook to work for you, you have to be clear and focused. Find out how:

Paul Weber Casting

This is another group hosted by a casting director with the intention of offering actors a place to connect. Paul Weber is a well known and very reputable Los Angeles casting director and posts in the group about once a week. With almost 8k members, there is a lot of discussion amongst actors and an excellent resource for industry information. 

From the Group Admin: ** Paul hasn’t posted anything in this section yet, but I may bug him and see if we can get a little more info 🙂

Jami Rudofsky Casting

I think the group description says it all. As well as being an established Hollywood Casting Director, Jami runs an acting studio, offers classes and private sessions. With more than 14k members posting you’re bound to find something useful!

From the Group Admin:  “This is the page for all things Jami Rudofsky Casting has to offer. Actors, come join, let me know what you are working on. I will also post stuff I’m casting so you can reach out to me this way! Sound good???”

Women in Film and Television International

Okay, this is a no brainer! If you’re in the biz, and you are female, you really need to be part of this group. As much as I love the film and television industry, it’s a business where women have been continually marginalized and under-represented. True Fact: When I started acting the number of roles for males to females were 10:1. Those numbers have improved, but are no where near equitable, and are even more disparate behind the camera. 

With 13.5k members, this is a fantastic place for women in all aspects of the business from anywhere in the world to meet, network, exchange ideas and connect. 

From the Group Admin:  “Women in Film & Television International (WIFTI) is a global network for women, trans* & non binary people working in all areas of film, video, and other screen-based media. In this group we network, share ideas, questions, female role models, activism, good examples and support each other. There are 50 WIFT and WIFT-like networks on six continents with more than 20 000 members. WIFTI is the hub for all of these networks.”

Looking for more casting calls? This is a great resource.


Just like it sounds, this group is strictly for casting calls in the Los Angeles area. With 21k members  the group is very active and a great place to look for jobs and auditions if you are in LA.

From the Group Admin:  “A platform for casting directors, producers and filmmakers to out-reach to actors, extras, background, models, talent for their upcoming project, auditions, open calls, rush calls, and general casting calls. Friendly reminder that this group is for those who are posting castings in Los Angeles area. Self-promotion posts will be removed.”

Hollywood & Los Angeles Central Casting Calls & Auditions – Actors & Models

YES!! More casting calls! This is another great place to find job postings and auditions. Check the “About” section as they also have links to other Facebook groups for Arizona Casting Calls, Kids Casting Calls and more. It’s also a pretty high volume group with about 18k members. 

From the Group Admin:  “Welcome to the group. This group is for everyone in the Los Angeles and Hollywood Area to post casting calls and auditions, and to fin paid and unpaid work. Good Luck in your acting and film career. We hope to see you on TV or in the Movie Theaters Soon!”

LA Actors Circle

This is another huge group with 17k members and is fairly active and lively with a lot of actors posting everything from classes to headshot retouching.  Even if you’re not in LA I would highly recommend checking out this group. Great place to connect and get industry info!

From the Group Admin:  “You can post anything related to the industry such as castings job etc. We just don’t want a lot of post on buy this or that which was happening. Thank you for asking:) please also feel free to post if you are looking for a roommate, jobs etc. We are here to support each other:)”

Los Angeles Actors, Models & Photographers – TFP/Paid Work

With almost 8k members the group seems to get a decent number of postings, although because it’s also TFP – Trade for Prints, there’s a lot of reality shows and non-paying work here. Still, if you want to build your portfolio this is a good resource to have. 

From the Group Admin:  “Los Angeles Actors, Models & Photographers – TFP/Paid Work. Requirements for casting posts: LOCATION, SHOOT DATE(S), UNION STATUS (UNION or NON-UNION), COMPENSATION (Paid/Unpaid)….” [see the group for more]

Headshots for Casting Directors

Want some place to post your headshot? Maybe get some feedback? And maybe a casting director will stop by and take a look! This is a group with 3k members is hosted by a friend of mine and fellow actor Steve Shermett. As group admin, Steve really stays on top of things and keeps the group moving and spam-free. He’s also pretty proactive in promotion, so I’d highly recommend you check it out!

From the Group Admin:  “A place for headshots only. Keep it simple…and usable so that we can network. Spread word. Let’s be the internet’s #1 destination for headshots! See the Sample Template pinned to the top of this group page. Use only 1 OR 2 photos max.”

Need to step up your headshot game? Read this….

Film Industry Network

With a whopping 142k members this group offers incredibly diverse content across the industry and internationally. It seems to be more focused on film making than acting, but that can also offer beneficial industry contacts. Fabulous resource!

From the Group Admin:  “This group is dedicated to help media professionals connect with each other from around the world. Whatever your job is, this group is for you to be able to reach the people you need for your projects and to ask for advice. Photographers / actors / comedians / casting/ job seekers/ employers / directors / models / trainers / voice over artists / directors / scriptwriters / ADs / producers / editor…..”

Open Mic Comedy Los Angeles

Think you’re funny? Have an interest in doing stand-up? Maybe braving an open mic? AND …. do you live in LA? With 4.5k members lots of great opportunities here for LA comics.

From the Group Admin:  “This group is to post opportunities for stage time for comics. Not promote or advertise yourself or your shows. Discussion or advice or questions or reviews of open mics are encouraged. Casting notices and anything providing opportunities for Comics are fine as well.”

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Facebook can be an amazing resource to start your acting career. Learn how to use Facebook to become an actor at MyActorGuide.com

* Please Note:  I am not an agent, manager, or casting director. I do not procure work for actors. All information, workshops and coaching are for educational purposes only and are not a guarantee or promise of employment. Thank you for being here!

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2 years ago

Thank you very much for the info about facebook groups. This is meant for beginners right and any insight on the next website i should use nxt because im a beginner lol. I was thinking backstage website?