Actors book jobs on Facebook. Learn how to optimize your social media for more auditions at

How To Optimize Your Facebook Profile to Book More Work

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Facebook: love it or hate it, it’s here to stay, and yes, it can be an extremely valuable marketing tool for actors. Why? Because there are numerous acting communities on Facebook. Casting Directors, Agents and Managers all seem to love it. And there are dozens (if not hundreds) of groups for actors, where you can connect with peers, get advice and feedback on your materials, and even find auditions.

Pro Tip: Roughly 30% of my work last year came from Facebook connections

Here are my top 8 recommendations for optimizing your Facebook profile to up-level your career.

We’ll get to your ‘fan page’ in another tip, but your personal profile is most likely the first thing people will see, and definitely how industry professionals are going to want to interact with you. The number one tip is to keep it professional. Remember, this is business and this is a marketing tool. Take down the drunken pics at last summer’s pool party, the angry political rants, or cutesy sexy shots you and your bae did together -unless they are completely on brand! If you have to, maintain separate professional and personal profiles. Trust me, this will pay off.

Next, Here are the key components to your personal Facebook profile and how to best utilize them.

1. Username: This is not the place to get cute or witty – seriously. And if you have, change it. This should be as close as possible to your professional working name.Not only does this look more professional, but it allows people to find you, recognize you, and connect with you more easily. Remember this is all about branding.

2. Customize Your URL/Username: You probably already know this, but it’s worth mentioning again, Facebook allows you to create a vanity URL for your personal account. Again, it just looks professional and sends the message that you are serious about showing up in this game. for instructions on how to do that, click here.

3. Profile shot: Choose one of your current headshots so that you are easily recognizable to industry professionals across the board. The more someone sees you, the more they feel like they know you.

4. Cover Image: the cover image is the big photo at the top of your Facebook personal profile. At the end of 2019, according to Facebook, your cover photo displays at 820 pixels wide by 312 pixels tall on computers and 640 pixels wide by 360 pixels tall on smartphones. This is a great place to showcase 3 of your headshots together, or maybe a still shot from the last project you worked on.

5. Intro / Bio: This is super short – only 101 characters! So you definitely want to make it count. Of course mention that you are an actor and any other juicy tidbit that is relevant to the industry.

6. Details: This is one section that is often overlooked but can be super useful. 

  • Occupation: First, put down your occupation as “Actor” and if you are a union member include “at whatever-union”. 
  • Education: Under the education section, list whatever schools you have attended acting classes at – you’d be surprised at how many are listed there! i.e. Second City, Scott Sedita, UCB, HB Studio and more.
  • Lives in: Also be sure to include what city you currently reside in. You never know which of these details might catch a casting director’s eye.
  • Websites: if you have a persona website, of course list it here, but also include a link yo your IMDB page and any public links to pro casting sites
  • Social: And last, make sure you link to your Instagram and Twitter profiles as well.

7. Friends: No one seems to talk much about this, but Facebook isn’t just about connecting, it’s about social proof. Industry professionals are much more likely to connect with you if they see that you share common friends, and especially other actors as well as agents, managers and casting directors. Yes, friend your great aunt Myrtle if you have to, or better yet keep a separate profile for family and close friends, but start building your network here. You know all of those people in your acting class? Yup! Friend them. The person you were talking to in the waiting room at your last audition, friend them too! And Me? Sure! I’d love to connect with you!   

8. What To Post: This is a balancing act. Yes, it is your “personal profile”, but since you’re a smart actor, you’re also using this as a marketing tool. Please don’t spam people’s feed with links to your IMDB page or constant shoutouts about what you just book. Yes, of course include these! But let’s also see some of your stellar personality; what is really going on in your life? Remember, you are building relationships, and the “know / like / trust factor” Keep it positive and keep it clean.

Facebook is just one place for actors to connect and engage with industry professionals, but it’s an important one. Stay tuned for more articles on Facebook Fan Pages and My Favorite Facebook Groups for Actors.

Until next time, stay positive, keep going and break a leg out there! xo Hunter

COPY BY: Hunter Phoenix   FEATURED IMAGE: Courtesy of Pixebay

* Please Note:  I am not an agent, manager, or casting director. I do not procure work for actors. All information, workshops and coaching are for educational purposes only and are not a guarantee or promise of employment. Thank you for being here!

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