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So here we are, at the start of a new year. Most years that feels invigorating and exciting! But still in the throws of the whole pandemic mess and who-knows-what, I find that many people, not just actors are feeling a little off their game lately, filled with uncertainty and finding it hard to focus.
While I’m all about self-care and taking the time you need to be healthy – mentally, emotionally and physically, I’m also one of those crazy practical, let’s-get-this-done type of people. So to help you start off 2022 strong I’ve put together a list of 5 Truths and Reminders for Actors to Take in 2022 With You.
1. Your Acting Career Doesn’t Have a Deadline
Very sadly, Betty White just passed away… 2 weeks shy of her 100th birthday – and STILL acting right up until the end. We are conditioned to believe that we have to achieve XYZ but the time we are 30, or 40, 45 and on… but trust me, neither your life or your acting career ends at any of those ages simply because the clock turns over. Think about what it would be like to watch a movie or TV show with crazy parents without adult children, no grumpy old neighbors, sweet grand parents or even badass boss ladies of a certain age. You can do it at any age. (and the industry is really hoping you stick around!) Still don’t believe me? Check out this list of the Highest Grossing Actors Over the Age of 50.
2. You Don’t Need a Degree from a Fancy Conservatory Program
First, let me start by saying, I love acting! I love the craft and I love learning about it and refining techniques. And there are some phenomenal actors to come out of the distinguish Harvard and Yale Drama School programs; Matt Damon, Ben Affleck, Natalie Portman, Rashida Jones and Mira Sorvino all graduated Harvard Drama School, and Lupita Nyong’o, Meryl Streep, Paul Giamati, Angela Basset, Paul Newman and Frances McDormand all graduated from Yale Drama School. BUT…. There are some pretty heavy hitters who didn’t start that way – Jennifer Lawrence, Tom Cruise, Jim Carrey, Meg Ryan Johnny Depp just to name a few. If you need on-camera classes, take them. Vocal training…? Get it. If you’re drawn to Meisner Technique, go for it! But know that it’s not a prerequisite. Check out this list of 16 Actors Who Never Took Acting Classes
Not sure which acting class to take? Read…..
3. Acting Doesn’t Have to be Your #1 Focus
Do you know that Channing Tatum really did work as a stripper? Harrison Ford was a carpenter. Wanda Sykes worked at the National Security Agency. And Rebel Wilson has a law degree. Actors and creative people tend to be multi-passionate, and sometimes you really just need to pay the bills. If you’re not a Hollywood A-Lister, casting directors and everyone else in the business know that you’ve got something else going on. Never be ashamed of other work your doing that feed your soul or your belly.
You can start a new side hustle any time and replace your day job! Check out: 12 Money-Making Side Hustles You Can Basically Do From Bed
4. There Are NOT Too May Actors
Honestly, this is just such an incredibly disrespectful thing to say, and completely fear based. Driving around Los Angeles and looking at the billboards you might think that there are too many personal injury attorneys or too many weight-loss clinics. And last week when I went to buy toothpaste I counted more than 50 varieties to choose from on the shelf in front of me – toothpaste! But no one seems to be telling the toothpaste manufactures that there are too many choices, or cosmetic companies that there are too many shades of lipstick or nail polish so they should just forget about. Own your uniqueness, be the actor you want to be and know that there is space and a place for you.
5. Stop Hanging Around People Who Don’t Want You to Win
I am not suggesting that you have to cut people out of your life, but really consider limiting the time you spend with people who bring you down, are unsupportive or do tell you that one of the above is an absolute fact and you have no hope. A) They just don’t know that. B) There’s tons of proof to the contrary C) It’s just plain mean.
Sometimes well-meaning friends and family can try steering you in another direction because they don’t want to see you fail or get hurt. Always approach the situation with kindness and compassion, both for yourself and for the other person.
If your not excited about your journey for 2022, take some of my enthusiasm for you. You’re gonna crush it with inspiration, motivation, focus and positive action… I can feel it!
Also see:
• 110 Quotes for Actors to Inspire You to Follow Your Dreams
• 9 Personality Traits That Will Help You be More Successful As An Actor
• 5 Ways to Create Unshakable Self-Worth for Actors

* Please Note: I am not an agent, manager, or casting director. I do not procure work for actors. All information, workshops and coaching are for educational purposes only and are not a guarantee or promise of employment. Thank you for being here!