Positive affirmations for actors and artists. Affirmations for creative, self-esteem and success!

57 Positive Affirmations for Actors for Creativity, Self-Esteem and Success

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The entertainment industry may seem like a glamorous business where evening gowns are plentiful, everyone has a Beverly Hills mansion and dreams come true! But in reality it is one of the toughest professions around. Rejection is hard – always, for everyone. It’s even more so difficult in a profession as personal and emotionally open as acting. 

As an actor, setbacks in a career seem like setbacks to your dream. And if you’re not really vigilant about keeping a positive mindset, that can be soul destroying.

Most of us don’t think twice about all of the negative self-talk and the self-doubt that goes on in our heads, yet the idea of writing down daily affirmations and saying them out loud can feel silly. 

Every negative thought, every self-doubt is an affirmation – it’s just a negative one.

It’s time to change that. Saying positive career affirmations can help you fight off that inner critic and stop you from beating yourself up when you don’t get the agent or the booking, or simply because you’re not where you want to be… yet.

The biggest part of having a successful acting career is knowing that YOU are in control of it. Your lack of an agent, or even having  a crappy agent, being the “wrong ethnicity” or an over-crowded job market aren’t in charge.

Whenever you start feeling lost or hopeless in your career, it’s a sign you need to take your power back and reclaim your control.

Positive affirmations are just one piece of the puzzle to help you take charge of your career. You also need to devote time to your craft, your goals and learning about the business itself. 

What is a Career Affirmation?

An affirmation is basically, a short phrase you repeat to yourself to  emotionally reinforce a positive idea. 

A career affirmation is one you use to strengthen your commitment to your career and actually creating the career of your dreams instead of waiting, wishing and hoping for it.

These Affirmations for Actors will remind you why you’re working so hard, inspire you to keep going, and help you to maintain the confidence and positive mindset you need for success! 

Here are a few tricks to making positive affirmations really work for you. 

57 Positive Affirmations for Acting Career Success

  1. I confidently pursue my acting career.
  2. Acting IS a real job.
  3. I am worthy of the career and life I desire.
  4. There are lots of great opportunities available for me always
  5. New doors are opening every day
  6. It’s my time and I’m ready for the next step in my acting career 
  7. New auditions are available every day
  8. Every audition is an opportunity for success
  9. My light doesn’t dim just because someone else shines bright
  10. My fellow actors are also artists and creatives. We are all on this journey together
  11. I’m always supportive to fellow actors and they are always supportive to me.
  12. Every job I book is a confirmation of my career moving forward and my dreams coming true.
  13. Great roles are finding me
  14. I attract roles that take my career to the next level
  15. Every performance is an opportunity to show my passion to the world
  16. Each audition helps me to hone my skills
  17. One bad audition doesn’t make me a bad actor.
  18. My best audition comes just in time for that perfect role
  19. I know what to do to achieve success and get help when I need it.
  20. My coaches and teachers are positive supporters and always there for me.
  21. I look to my role models for guidance, resources and support
  22. I am constantly learning and evolving, becoming a better me and a better actor
  23. I take responsibility for my career and my success
  24. I have the power to build an amazing career
  25. I take pride in creating my own opportunities
  26. I seek new work opportunities daily
  27. I continually stretch outside my comfort zone
  28. I know that setbacks are temporary and I take time to heal when needed
  29. My agents and managers are teammates and I only work with those who share my vision
  30. Acting is a craft and a business and I respect both
  31. I am clear on my brand and share it in everything I do
  32. I reach out to casting directors, producers and writers every day to keep my career moving forward.
  33. Acting is my passion and I practice it daily.
  34. I am a creator so I create my own work.
  35. I stay intuitive and aligned with my creative source.
  36. I recognize my uniqueness and value and I feel good about being me.
  37. I have a great memory that is always expanding and I learn lines with ease.
  38. I am on this journey to live my dream.
  39. I embrace success and welcome it.
  40. The Universe keeps sending opportunities my way.
  41. My talents are in demand and my unique gifts are appreciated.
  42. It’s not too late. I’m not too old. My timing is perfect!
  43. I choose to feel good about myself and my choices.
  44. I’m a happy person. I make my own happiness, always. It’s not dependent on a job or an audition.
  45. I willingly release any need for struggle or suffering.
  46. I stand on my own two feet. I accept and use my own power.
  47. I have the self-esteem, power and confidence to be a paid working actor.
  48. I choose to believe only the best about myself.
  49. I approve of myself exactly as I am.
  50. I am open and receptive to all good. (Not just a little bit, not just some… all good!)
  51. I have unlimited opportunities and choices.
  52. I am appreciated and well-compensated for my work.
  53. I now do work I love and I am well paid for it.
  54. I can do this.
  55. Life supports me in every way possible.
  56. I am creating my dream career. 
  57. I am creating my career success.

Remember, these acting career affirmations are just the one step in your big game plan. You have to combine these with skills, and a solid action plan to create the career of your dreams. 

Maneuvering through the entertainment industry requires pretty solid self-confidence and a lot of times incredibly thick skin. Yet as actors we are expected to be sensitive and vulnerable and open. Living the life of an artist is a bold decision to follow your passion! These tiny pieces of positivity can help keep you grounded, sane and moving forward on days you feel like you’re battling a storm.

Stay positive and stay connected to who you really are – that is your true strength and true gift!

Until next time, keep reaching for the stars and following your dreams!  xo Hunter

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* Please Note:  I am not an agent, manager, or casting director. I do not procure work for actors. All information, workshops and coaching are for educational purposes only and are not a guarantee or promise of employment. Thank you for being here!

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