Learn how to audition and become an actor with no experience. Best audition hacks and audition tips!

This post was originally published on February 9th, 2020 and has been rewritten and updated. Your dream is to be a working actor. You know you have what it takes. You’ve studied hard, and maybe even taken the big plunge to move to New York or LA. You’ve always beenRead More →

Do you dream of becoming an actor? Learn how to be a successful actor at any age! Insider tips and tricks for a successful acting career at MyActorGuide.com

Acting is a business that is not for the faint of heart. It takes a weird combination of sensitivity and a thick skin, delicately mixed with artistry, playfulness, discipline and relentless perseverance. But acting is a career that you can also pursue at any age. (Betty White, anyone?) Whether youRead More →