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In the last 2 years I have sat in more than 100 combined casting conversations via Zoom interviews, Facebook and Instagram Live events, Clubhouse and workshops and these are STILL some of the biggest things they talk about. This video is from a casting associate who has seen more than 100,000 actor self-tapes…. and has been generous enough to share what he knows. It’s only 5 minutes long and will completely change your self tape game!
UPDATE: This video went viral! How cool is that?! And Gary Marsh, who owns / got a hold of it and wants to use it for promo…. so he comped Adam a number years of FREE premium membership! #smallwins #actorsuccess 😀
Also read:
Okay… are you jumping on all of the Open Calls right now? Watch this first! This is a game changer!
In the mist of Corna-geddon I’m sure you’re aware of just how many open-calls and Generals that casting directors are doing. (see COVID-19 Resources for my updated daily list) This video was posted on Coulon Casting’s website, and was created by a fellow actor and casting associate, Adam Stephenson. It’s literally friggin’ brilliant! I learned a couple of things from this and I’m pretty sure you can too.
*NOTE: I was on a Zoom call recently with veteran casting director Jennifer Euston and she mentioned that “Orange is the New Black” was cast ENTIRELY from self-tapes because people were working from different coast, so you better get good at it! This is the perfect time to up-level your self tape game!
5 minutes. Take notes!
xo Hunter
BTW… need great Self Tape Gear… check out my recommendations here.

* Please Note: I am not an agent, manager, or casting director. I do not procure work for actors. All information, workshops and coaching are for educational purposes only and are not a guarantee or promise of employment. Thank you for being here!